Cyber Insurance

Four out of five organizations in the UAE suffered from some form of cyber attack in 2019. Because of this, we decided to create cyberi to deliver the region’s first real cyber insurance system. Not only is it important to protect your business from any potential cyber-attacks, but also to maximize your chances of recovery in the event of a serious breach or attack.

Our cyber insurance offering will not only contain insurance for anything lost during a cyber attack but will also come with 24/7 monitoring of all systems in your network and exclusive access to Wizer’s cyber security training, which your staff members will have full access to. This is the only access to both CyberIL and Wizer available in the UAE, which makes our insurance plan so unique.

One of the biggest reasons the UAE has such a high penetration rate when it comes to cyber systems is a lack of awareness about managing and protecting data systems in organizations properly. That’s why we chose to offer a holistic insurance package that protects, insures, and educates.

Request a Quote

If our state-of-the-art insurance package sounds like it would fit your business, or you’d like more information, request a quote from our experts today. cyberi offers affordable packages for small and medium businesses and even medium-sized corporations.

What Does Our Insurance Cover?

In the event of a cyber attack, our insurance covers first and third-party assets concerning your information systems. This includes theft of digitally held assets, remuneration for business lost during any outages, loss of third-party data, and much more.

Both you and your customers are protected under our unique package, but it doesn’t stop there. Beyond simply insuring your cyber systems, the cyberi insurance product provides you with exclusive cyber systems protection from CyberIL, as well as exclusive access to Wizer training for your entire body of staff.

Request a Quote

If our state-of-the-art insurance package sounds like it would fit your business, or you’d like more information, request a quote from our experts today. cyberi offers affordable packages for small and medium businesses and even medium-sized corporations.
