One of the most common entry points for cyber attackers is employees who have little to no education in the world of cyber assets. This means many employees have no idea how to maintain a safe computer system and make mistakes that can easily lead to an unprecedented data breach.
Sometimes, this can even happen from something as simple as an employee using a predictable password for their user login in your system – this accounts for approximately 29% of data breaches in the UAE! Employees are frequently the targets of phishing campaigns via email, as well as other social engineering methods such as phonecalls from people they are made to think are potential clients or fellow colleagues.
Without the proper education on what cyber assets are, why they are important, and how to protect them, your business may remain at risk from data breaches and hacks. Regardless of how strong your cyber security systems are, your staff are often the weakest link in this system.
It is important that all staff in your organization are on the same level when it comes to this type of education. That’s why, in partnership with Wizer, we’re offering exclusive cyber training. This training isn’t available anywhere else in the UAE!
With the correct training on how to maintain cyber hygiene to ensure a safe cyberspace for everybody in your business, your chances of experiencing losses as a result of a hack drop significantly.